The images over the past week have left me numb. Orphans + Haiti = PASSION for the Miller family. For those of you who do not know, my wife and I adopted 2 children from Vietnam. And this past summer, my wife and oldest daughter took a trip to Port Au Prince, Haiti to work at several orphanages. They came back with a desire to help these children and specifically work with the host organization, the ApParent Project.
When we heard about the estimates of 50,000-250,000 orphans in Haiti BEFORE the earthquake coupled with the tiny office who were handling the cases had been destroyed, we knew something had to be done. Orphans are the "least of these", the children without a family looking out for them, the most vulnerable. And unfortunately, in catastrophes like these, they are the prey for those looking to exploit the crisis. The human traffickers move in and the orphans, especially in chaotic crisis, just disappear.
We cannot let this happen. So we have started a facebook group that will hopefully grow to an influential size where we can share resources and ACT when the time comes.
Right now the key is to get humanitarian parole for these children. It does not mean that they can instantly be adopted, it just means we need to get them out of harms way. We must take care of the number of orphans who were in the process of being adopted. Then we need to look at the huge numbers of children who are now orphans because of this tragedy.
My heart has been touched by people who want to open their homes all over the world to these children. They need a loving home. It is times like these when we truly see the best side of humanity.
If you would like to join the group, please visit- Haiti Orphans- Let's Get Them Out!